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Procurement Hub: Apprenticeships DPS

  Procurement Hub is using Delta eSourcing to run this tender exercise

Notice Summary
Title: Apprenticeships DPS
Notice type: Contract Notice
Authority: Procurement Hub
Nature of contract: Services
Procedure: Restricted
Short Description: Places for People are seeking to appoint a number of providers for the supply and training of apprentices that consistently meet the standards required. The providers will need to be able to provide a range of services to meet the varying requirements of Places for People and other organisations. As such, Places for People wish to form and let an Apprenticeship Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) which will be utilised and owned by Places for People Procurement Hub. It is intended that this DPS will be capable of being used by other Procurement Hub members and contracting authorities in the United Kingdom.
Published: 07/06/2019 13:22
Please note that the deadline for response to this opportunity has passed. However, you can still register or log-into the Delta eSourcing solution to prepare your Supplier Profile for future opportunities.

View Full Notice

UK-Preston: Education and training services.
Section I: Contracting Authority
      I.1) Name and addresses
             Places for People Group Limited
             Group Support Centre, 4 The Pavilions, Port Way, Preston, PR2 2YB, United Kingdom
             Main Address:, Address of the buyer profile:
             NUTS Code: UK
      I.2) Joint procurement
      The contract involves joint procurement: No.
      In the case of joint procurement involving different countries, state applicable national procurement law: Not provided       
      The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body: Yes.
      I.3) Communication
      The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
      Additional information can be obtained from: the abovementioned address
      Tenders or requests to participate must be sent electronically via to the abovementioned address       
      Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. Unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices is possible, free of charge, at: Not provided
      I.4) Type of the contracting authority
            Body governed by public law
      I.5) Main activity
            Housing and community amenities

Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of the procurement
      II.1.1) Title: Apprenticeships DPS       
      Reference Number: Not provided
      II.1.2) Main CPV Code:
      80000000 - Education and training services.

      II.1.3) Type of contract: SERVICES
      II.1.4) Short description: Places for People are seeking to appoint a number of providers for the supply and training of apprentices that consistently meet the standards required. The providers will need to be able to provide a range of services to meet the varying requirements of Places for People and other organisations. As such, Places for People wish to form and let an Apprenticeship Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) which will be utilised and owned by Places for People Procurement Hub. It is intended that this DPS will be capable of being used by other Procurement Hub members and contracting authorities in the United Kingdom.       
      II.1.5) Estimated total value:
      Value excluding VAT: Not Provided       
      Currency: Not Provided
      II.1.6) Information about lots:
      This contract is divided into lots: No       
II.2) Description
      II.2.2) Additional CPV codes:
      Not Provided       
      II.2.3) Place of performance:
      II.2.4) Description of procurement: In May 2017 the system for the funding and procurement of apprenticeship training changed with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, which will require public sector employers with a pay bill over £3 million each year to make an investment in apprenticeships (0.5% of their annual pay bill).

Employers will access the funds through a Digital Apprenticeship Account (DAA) controlled by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The DAA will be hosted on a system known as the digital Apprenticeship Service (AS). Each levy-paying employer will have a virtual account equivalent in value to its contribution, minus an amount equivalent to the notional contribution for its employees that live in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, plus a government top-up of 10%.

Funds in the Digital Account can only be used to cover the cost of apprenticeship training and end point assessment for apprenticeships undertaken in England. To access the funds employers will need to show, through the AS, that it has a contract for the delivery of a recognised apprenticeship, by a registered provider. For these purposes a registered provider is a training provider that appears on the ESFA Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).

This procurement is being undertaken by Places for People Procurement Hub the contracting authority for itself and as lead authority for the benefit of other organisations that will be set out in the contract notice. Accordingly, it is the intention that these other UK public organisations should be able to rely on this procurement to purchase such goods and services without the need for any further procurement process. The Hub can be joined by Contracting Authorities and stream-lines processes for members of the Hub, reducing time and expense incurred in such procurement processes.

The principle of the Apprenticeship DPS is to group the provision of Apprenticeships training services that Procurement Hub and other contracting authority clients require under the new Apprenticeships Levy provisions and market the services ensuring quality and value for money allowing a range of contracting authorities to join the Hub and get best value services. The core DPS will be owned by Procurement Hub.
Apprenticeship spend that will be managed through this agreement will be grown organically. The successful suppliers will be expected to work with Procurement Hub to develop it and encourage its growth. In addition to being available to other Procurement Hub Members, Places for People have several departments and subsidiaries that have a requirement for Apprenticeship training services who may use this DPS as a vehicle to procure their demand.

This agreement will therefore provide an OJEU compliant platform which the Procurement Hub members (including Places for People Group) can procure a range of Apprenticeship training services via the subsequent tender process.

The DPS will be not be divided into defined Lots. Instead contractors are asked to follow this link DPS and enter your organisation’s details and the areas/services you are able to undertake. Suppliers can apply for as many Apprenticeship types as they wish. The scope will include all of the new current (and future) apprenticeship standards, and a selection of some of the outgoing apprenticeships frameworks.

In addition to providing details on the work that can be provided, contractors are also asked to provide details of the post code areas in which these works can be provided. Invitations to tender will be on a project by project basis and all suppliers who pass this SQ and meet the Client’s requirement in terms of apprenticeship type and geographical coverage will be invited to tender. Although the opportunity is not divided into defined Lots, the skills and postcode matrix will in effect create multiple virtual Lots.
      II.2.5) Award criteria:
            Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents            
      II.2.6) Estimated value:
      Value excluding VAT: Not provided       
      Currency: Not provided       
      II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system:
      Duration in months: 120       
      This contract is subject to renewal: No       
      Description of renewals: Not provided
      II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited:
             Envisaged minimum number: 1
      Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: Not provided
      II.2.10) Information about variants:
      Variants will be accepted: No
      II.2.11) Information about options:
      Options:       No             
      Description of options: Not provided
      II.2.12) Information about electronic catalogues:
      Tenders must be presented in the form of electronic catalogues or include an electronic catalogue: No
      II.2.13) Information about European Union funds:
      The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No       
      Identification of the project: Not provided             
      II.2.14) Additional information: To respond to this opportunity please click here:

For details of the nationwide public sector eligibility list, including public sector bodies who are able to use this framework agreement without limitation, please follow the below link:       

Section III: Legal, Economic, Financial And Technical Information
   III.1) Conditions for participation
      III.1.1) Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
      List and brief description of conditions:          
      Not Provided       
      III.1.2) Economic and financial standing          
      Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents       
      List and brief description of selection criteria:       
      Not Provided    
      Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required (if applicable) :       
      Not Provided    
      III.1.3) Technical and professional ability    
      Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
      List and brief description of selection criteria:       
      Not Provided      
      Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required (if applicable) :          
      Not Provided   
      III.1.5) Information about reserved contracts (if applicable)   
      The contract is reserved to sheltered workshops and economic operators aiming at the social and professional integration of disabled or disadvantaged persons: No       
      The execution of the contract is restricted to the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No    
   III.2) Conditions related to the contract
      III.2.1) Information about a particular profession    
      Reference to the relevant law, regulation or administrative provision:          
      Not Provided    
      III.2.2) Contract performance conditions          
      Not Provided          
      III.2.3) Information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract
      Obligation to indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to performing the contract: No

Section IV: Procedure
   IV.1) Description RESTRICTED
      IV.1.1) Type of procedure: Restricted   
   IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system    
         The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement - NO        
         The procurement involves the setting up of a dynamic purchasing system       
         The dynamic purchasing system might be used by additional purchasers           
         In the case of framework agreements justification for any duration exceeding 4 years: Not Provided    
   IV.1.6) Information about electronic auction:
      An electronic auction will be used: No
      Additional information about electronic auction: Not provided
   IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
      The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes       
   IV.2) Administrative information
      IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure:
         Notice number in the OJ S: 2017/S 195 - 400638       
      IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
       Date: 27/11/2027 Time: 16:00
      IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates: Not Provided       
      IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English,       
      IV.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: Not Provided      

Section VI: Complementary Information
   VI.1) Information about recurrence
   This is a recurrent procurement: No    
   Estimated timing for further notices to be published: Not provided
   VI.2) Information about electronic workflows
   Electronic ordering will be used No       
   Electronic invoicing will be accepted No       
   Electronic payment will be used No       
   VI.3) Additional Information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:

To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
   VI.4) Procedures for review
   VI.4.1) Review body:
             High Court of England and Wales
       Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
   VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures:
             High Court of England and Wales
          Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
   VI.4.3) Review procedure
   Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:    
    Not Provided    
   VI.4.4) Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained:
          Crown Commercial Services
       1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ, United Kingdom
   VI.5) Date Of Dispatch Of This Notice: 07/06/2019

Annex A

View any Notice Addenda

View Award Notice

UK-Preston: Education and training services.

Section I: Contracting Authority

   I.1) Name, Addresses and Contact Point(s):
       Places for People Group Limited
       Group Support Centre, 4 The Pavilions, Port Way, Preston, PR2 2YB, United Kingdom
       Tel. +44 8452667629, Email:
       Main Address:, Address of the buyer profile:
       NUTS Code: UK

   I.2) Joint procurement:
      The contract involves joint procurement: No          
      In the case of joint procurement involving different countries, state applicable national procurement law: Not Provided
      The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body: Yes

   I.4)Type of the contracting authority:
      Body governed by public law

   I.5) Main activity:
      Housing and community amenities

Section II: Object Of The Contract

   II.1) Scope of the procurement

      II.1.1) Title: Places for People - Apprenticeships Preferred Supplier List - May 2021            
      Reference number: Not Provided

      II.1.2) Main CPV code:
         80000000 - Education and training services.

      II.1.3) Type of contract: SERVICES

      II.1.4) Short description: Through this DPS 2nd Stage Invitation to Tender Places for People is sought to establishing a new, agreement to facilitate the appointment of Apprenticeship and training providers to recruit and train apprentices for its own businesses using the available Government Frameworks and Standards.

All providers invited to participate in this 2nd Stage DPS Invitation to Tender have indicated at Stage 1 of the DPS that they can offer different Frameworks and Standards in varying locations. It is with this in mind that Places for People intend to appoint a panel of providers who between them should be able to offer the range of Framework and Standards training and in the locations in England that Places for people require.

Contract notice to the Official Journal of the European Union (“OJEU”) 2019/S 111-272277 reference number.

      II.1.6) Information about lots
         This contract is divided into lots: No
      II.1.7) Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)
          Value: 14,000

   II.2) Description

      II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s):
      Not Provided

      II.2.3) Place of performance
      Nuts code:
      Main site or place of performance:

      II.2.4) Description of the procurement: Through this DPS 2nd Stage Invitation to Tender Places for People is sought to establishing a new, agreement to facilitate the appointment of Apprenticeship and training providers to recruit and train apprentices for its own businesses using the available Government Frameworks and Standards.

All providers invited to participate in this 2nd Stage DPS Invitation to Tender have indicated at Stage 1 of the DPS that they can offer different Frameworks and Standards in varying locations. It is with this in mind that Places for People intend to appoint a panel of providers who between them should be able to offer the range of Framework and Standards training and in the locations in England that Places for people require.

Contract notice to the Official Journal of the European Union (“OJEU”) 2019/S 111-272277 reference number.

      II.2.5) Award criteria:
      Quality criterion - Name: Quality & Technical Merit / Weighting: 90
      Price - Weighting: 10

      II.2.11) Information about options
         Options: No

      II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
         The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

      II.2.14) Additional information: Not Provided

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description

   IV.1.1)Type of procedure: Restricted

   IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
      The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement: No       
      A dynamic purchasing system was set up: Yes

   IV.1.6) Information about electronic auction
      An electronic auction has been used: No

   IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
      The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

IV.2) Administrative information

   IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure
       Notice number in the OJEU: 2019/S 111-272277
   IV.2.8) Information about termination of dynamic purchasing system
      The notice involves the termination of the dynamic purchasing system published by the above contract notice: No

   IV.2.9) Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice
      The contracting authority will not award any further contracts based on the above prior information notice: No

Section V: Award of contract

Award Of Contract (No.1)

   Contract No: Not Provided    
   Lot Number: Not Provided    
   Title: Not Provided

   A contract/lot is awarded: Yes

   V.2) Award of contract

      V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract: 07/06/2021

      V.2.2) Information about tenders
         Number of tenders received: 1
         Number of tenders received from SMEs: Not Provided          
         Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: Not Provided          
         Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: Not Provided          
         Number of tenders received by electronic means: 1

      V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor

      The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No
         Contractor (No.1)
             Arden University Limited, 02450180
             Arden House, Middlemarch Park, Coventry, CV3 4FJ, United Kingdom
             NUTS Code: UK
            The contractor is an SME: Yes

      V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
         Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: Not Provided          
         Total value of the contract/lot: 14,000
         Currency: GBP

      V.2.5) Information about subcontracting
         The contract is likely to be subcontracted: No
Section VI: Complementary information

   VI.3) Additional information: To view this notice, please click here:

   VI.4) Procedures for review

      VI.4.1) Review body
          High Court of England and Wales
          Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
          Tel. +44 3454102222

      VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures
          High Court of England and Wales
          Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
          Tel. +44 2079476000

      VI.4.3) Review procedure
         Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Not Provided

      VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
          Crown Commercial Services
          1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ, United Kingdom
          Tel. +44 3454102222

   VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: 19/07/2021

UK-Preston: Education and training services.

Section I: Contracting Authority

   I.1) Name, Addresses and Contact Point(s):
       Places for People Group Limited
       Group Support Centre, 4 The Pavilions, Port Way, Preston, PR2 2YB, United Kingdom
       Tel. +44 8452667629, Email:
       Main Address:, Address of the buyer profile:
       NUTS Code: UK

   I.2) Joint procurement:
      The contract involves joint procurement: No          
      In the case of joint procurement involving different countries, state applicable national procurement law: Not Provided
      The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body: Yes

   I.4)Type of the contracting authority:
      Body governed by public law

   I.5) Main activity:
      Housing and community amenities

Section II: Object Of The Contract

   II.1) Scope of the procurement

      II.1.1) Title: Apprenticeships - Preferred Supplier List (PSL) - February 2021            
      Reference number: Not Provided

      II.1.2) Main CPV code:
         80000000 - Education and training services.

      II.1.3) Type of contract: SERVICES

      II.1.4) Short description: Through this DPS 2nd Stage Invitation to Tender Places for People is sought to establishing a new, agreement to facilitate the appointment of Apprenticeship and training providers to recruit and train apprentices for its own businesses using the available Government Frameworks and Standards.

All Suppliers invited to this opportunity have passed the minimum requirements of the Procurement Hubs Apprenticeships DPS, the Official Journal of the European Union (“OJEU”) 2019/S 111-272277 reference number.

      II.1.6) Information about lots
         This contract is divided into lots: No
      II.1.7) Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)
          Value: 30,000

   II.2) Description

      II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s):
      Not Provided

      II.2.3) Place of performance
      Nuts code:
      Main site or place of performance:

      II.2.4) Description of the procurement: Through this DPS 2nd Stage Invitation to Tender Places for People is sought to establishing a new, agreement to facilitate the appointment of Apprenticeship and training providers to recruit and train apprentices for its own businesses using the available Government Frameworks and Standards.

All Suppliers invited to this opportunity have passed the minimum requirements of the Procurement Hubs Apprenticeships DPS, the Official Journal of the European Union (“OJEU”) 2019/S 111-272277 reference number.

      II.2.5) Award criteria:
      Quality criterion - Name: Quality & Technical Merit / Weighting: 90
      Price - Weighting: 10

      II.2.11) Information about options
         Options: No

      II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
         The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

      II.2.14) Additional information: Not Provided

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description

   IV.1.1)Type of procedure: Restricted

   IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
      The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement: No       
      A dynamic purchasing system was set up: Yes

   IV.1.6) Information about electronic auction
      An electronic auction has been used: No

   IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
      The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

IV.2) Administrative information

   IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure
       Notice number in the OJEU: 2019/S 111-272277
   IV.2.8) Information about termination of dynamic purchasing system
      The notice involves the termination of the dynamic purchasing system published by the above contract notice: No

   IV.2.9) Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice
      The contracting authority will not award any further contracts based on the above prior information notice: No

Section V: Award of contract

Award Of Contract (No.1)

   Contract No: Not Provided    
   Lot Number: Not Provided    
   Title: Not Provided

   A contract/lot is awarded: Yes

   V.2) Award of contract

      V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract: 23/03/2021

      V.2.2) Information about tenders
         Number of tenders received: 2
         Number of tenders received from SMEs: Not Provided          
         Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: Not Provided          
         Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: Not Provided          
         Number of tenders received by electronic means: 2

      V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor

      The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: Yes
         Contractor (No.1)
             Baltic Training (Services Limited), 05868493
             Baltic Works, Baltic Street, Hartlepool, TS25 1PW, United Kingdom
             NUTS Code: UK
            The contractor is an SME: Yes
         Contractor (No.2)
             Middlesbrough College (Northern Skills Group), 02801247
             Dock Street, Middlehaven, Middlesbrough, TS2 1AD, United Kingdom
             NUTS Code: UK
            The contractor is an SME: No

      V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
         Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: Not Provided          
         Total value of the contract/lot: 30,000
         Currency: GBP

      V.2.5) Information about subcontracting
         The contract is likely to be subcontracted: No
Section VI: Complementary information

   VI.3) Additional information: To view this notice, please click here:

   VI.4) Procedures for review

      VI.4.1) Review body
          High Court of England and Wales
          Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
          Tel. +44 3454102222

      VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures
          High Court of England and Wales
          Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
          Tel. +44 2079476000

      VI.4.3) Review procedure
         Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Not Provided

      VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
          Crown Commercial Services
          1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ, United Kingdom
          Tel. +44 3454102222

   VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/05/2021